Settling Back In

Momentary Lapses of Reason

I love to work travel. Being in a new place sparks all sorts of new ideas for me, and reinvigorates my mind. There’s only one problem… by the time I’m really settled in and hitting a flow, I have to leave. And settling back into the home routine is hard. 

But settling in I am. Slowly but surely, habits are being resurrected. Here’s my perfect day:

  • Read papers, check email…
  • Breakfast — usually cereal with a banana, first of several cups of tea, and a book…
  • Second cup of tea with vitamins…
  • Sit down at the laptop… 
  • Write up a storm…
  • Stretch/yoga/play with the kitties…
  • Lunch with a book, chat/text with a friend…
  • Check email/ handle business…
  • Back to the laptop to write some more…
  • Email and wrap business day…
  • Walk…
  • Dinner prep… 
  • Read…
  • TV…
  • Bath…
  • Sleep.

How many days a week does this happen? Not as many as I’d like.

Several years ago, I instituted Sacred Days. I don’t schedule appointments, lunches, or other day time events Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays, so I can have deep work time. These sacred days are vital to my production levels. When I break them, my work suffers, and I turn into a grump.

Since I’m at the beginning of a new book, and my normal patterns have been shot these past few months with travel and epically close deadlines, back come the sacred days! Their structure will allow me to get my footing again, and guarantee me at least a few quiet days of deep work.

How do you schedule out your days?

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

Sunday Smatterings - Easter Edition

Sunday Smatterings 4.1.18

Happy Easter and Blessed Passover to all who celebrate!

We are pretty low key for Easter this weekend. No travel, no family commitments. Since the cats don't appreciate hidden eggs unless they're full of treats, we're going to have a lovely brunch somewhere around town, and, once stuffed, go see a movie. If the weather is nice enough, maybe a round of golf or a nice long walk to spend some time in nature, pondering the mysteries of life. Isn't that what Easter is about -- the mystery of life? Methinks yes. 

And Easter on April Fool's Day is weird. Just sayin'.

With that in mind... onward!

Here's what happened on the Internets this week:

Crime by the Book's FAQ. Fun insights from one of my fave bloggers, who is doing an A+ job of reviewing crime fiction. Plus, she is my style guru... I long to hang out in New York coffeeshops looking so cool...

Gratitude comes from noticing your life, not thinking about it. When I say "gratitude attitude," this is what I mean.

This is why we're all reading "up lit." It's nice to see I'm not the only one whose tastes are changing. I've been moving away from violence in my reading -- and in my writing, as well.

"Fear is good quality control." – Colson Whitehead on the writer's life. A fascinating look into Colson Whitehead's reddit AMA. 

12 ways to decompress after high stress. Self-care is necessary, especially after your hair has been on fire. I am a firm believer in self-care. Anything to give your poor mind and body a break will make you happier and more productive.

On social media, and its discontents. Cal Newport is a really interesting dude, and his thoughtfulness on the vagaries of the internet fascinate me. He's displayed great plasticity on his theories, too -- well explained here.

I WAS ANASTASIA by Ariel Lawhon. My dear friend, historical novelist Ariel Lawhon, released a magnificent book this week about Anastasia Romanov and the woman who claimed to be her, Anna Anderson. This is a wonderful read, and I highly recommend it.

Do you like candles? I met the owner of the EKKO Candle company this week whilst waiting for my tea to steep at a local coffeehouse. She kindly gifted me with a Tuscan Cedarwood that I've been burning all week. If you're looking for hand-crafted soy-based candles, these are delightful! 

And closer to home:

I'm resurrecting the blog! And no, this is not an April Fool's joke. With all the fuss about privacy on the socials, I think it's time to offer a safe space for conversation that will hopefully be fun, inviting, and chatty! Plus, I won't be sharing your information with the top bidder. Also, no rules. I'm posting when the spirit strikes me, so be sure to sign up for updates, or subscribe in your RSS reader, and please, don't forget to let me know your here with a brief comment. Ask a question, get an answer... guaranteed! 

Amy and I have been making books! In case you haven't heard, we have a spiffy new German version of NO ONE KNOWS for sale, and we’re busy putting together some print versions of my most recent short stories.

And (drumroll... 🥁) We're about to release our first Two Tales audiobook: an incredible vocal performance of the DEAD ENDS anthology! Stat tuned for news on that soon...

Surprise: a Blog-Only Contest Exclusive!

Leave a comment here on the blog between now and Wednesday, April 4 at 6pm CST, and I'll choose two readers at random to win a brand-new signed hardcover of THE SIXTH DAY! Trust me when I say this book is mind-blowingly crazy. 

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

Sabbatical is over, so... I’m back!

Honey, I'm home...

Hello, good people! My social media Lenten fast was lovely and calm, but now I’m back — rested, recharged, and full of words. I hope you’ve had a lovely six weeks without me! Many props to The Kerr, who handled the socials so wonderfully! I know y’all had fun with her — thanks for all your sweet notes to us both.

Oh, SO MANY THINGS to talk about!

Blog Resurrection

I missed the bulk of the #quitfacebook kerfuffle, but I know many of you aren’t entranced with how FB is handling your info. Neither am I.

Because I would hate to lose touch with you if you are leaving, I’ve decided to resurrect my blog. 

Aside from the privacy issues, FB frustrates me to pieces because while so many of you have joined my author page, you rarely see the posts unless I pay to boost them, so I think it's time to invite you to join me in my blog and we’ll go from there. 

I have to admit, I’m rather excited to be jumping back into non-fiction. I miss blogging, but it won't exactly be regimented. Whatever is on my mind, I’m going to share. I’ve been very inspired by Nora Roberts’ blog lately. It’s fun, and relaxed, and that’s my goal. Don’t be surprised to see some rebranding happening next week, too. 

And do me a small favor? Leave a comment to let me know you’re around and reading. Writing into the void isn’t fun! 

New Books

THE SIXTH DAY is about to release (April 10).

Romantic Times gave it an extremely rare 5 Star Gold rating. It’s as crazy a thriller ride as you will take this year, guaranteed to please fans of the series, and hopefully entrance new ones as well.

During my sabbital, Catherine and I hooked up out in California and put together the 6th Brit in the FBI novel, which I am working on right now. We even have a title, though I don’t think she’s released that info yet (#socialmediasabbatical). It’s been a research-intensive month, with so many things to learn. The writing is underway, though! I had a great writing retreat in March, and am now regularly laying down words again. 

TEAR ME APART went through two edits whilst I was away.

It’s going to be in galley soon, and we’re finalizing the cover. I just received the AAs — author alterations, aka last pass pages. This is my last chance to make any changes to the book before it goes into production. We do have back cover copy to share, so look for that on the blog shortly. Suffice it to say... Girl, Interrupted grows up. 

Other Projects

Amy and I have been making books!

We have a spiffy new German version of NO ONE KNOWS for sale, and we’re busy putting together some print versions of my most recent short stories.

And (drumroll... 🥁) We're about to release our first Two Tales audiobook: an incredible vocal performance of the DEAD ENDS anthology! And there’s more in the works, including another anthology that is going to blow your mind. 

A WORD ON WORDS has seen many new entries these past few weeks, so you need to check them out ASAP! One of the things that I think is very cool about AWOW is the fact that my co-host (Mary Laura Philpott) and I are both writers. It makes these interviews very much peer-to-peer, adding insight to both how we work and how the authors we’re interviewing approach their craft, books, and life in general. 

I have some more news that I can’t share yet and it’s about killing me to stay quiet, but that’s how the cookie crumbles. Trust me, you will be the first to know when I can tell you.

That’s enough for now! 

Since you haven’t seen them here in a while, here are a few shots of Jameson and Jordan, aka The Minions, on our latest adventure. They are very happy to be home and back on their porch.


Sunday Smatterings

Sunday Smatterings 3.25.18

Hey, peeps! What's shakin'? It's me, The Kerr, on our last Sunday together before J.T. returns from sabbatical. 

She's itching to say hi, but I have the keys for one more week. Mwahahaha. 😈

But to pay homage to her return, I'm going to do my Smatterings today in her style: lots of links for you to pore through and learn from.


Here's what happened on the Internets this week:

This is the biggest mistake you cake make when you order pizza to go. I had no idea this was even an option. Bananas.

How a rare book appraiser passes judgment in 30 seconds or less. Do you guys remember Pawn Stars, the History Channel's version of Antiques Roadshow with bikers? My favorite segment was whenver the woman from Bauman's Rare Books showed up. Her keen eye could turn a dime novel into a $10,000 jackpot in seconds. If you want to know how she did it, read this!

4 Tips for Picking the Best Grocery Store Flowers. If you, like me, aren't the best gardener in the world, we may need to tuck these tips into our back pocket.

A Peek at Famous Readers' Borrowing Records from a Private NY Library. This is a tad bit nosy...but I couldn't resist.

Ina Garten Shares Her Favorite 30-Minute Weeknight Dinner. When Queen Ina speaks, I listen. And of course she picks another winner, simple and delicious.

10 Fictional Homes We Want to Live In. Somebody give me a truckload of cash, and I bet I could make these houses un-fiction...

16 books that are better together. Because your TBR isn't buckling or anything, I have to show you this list Modern Mrs. Darcy pulled together. 1 novel is paired with 1 nonfiction title, and each enhances the other. My inner nerd is all over this. 🤓 (what you should especially read from this list: Ariel Lawhon's I WAS ANASTASIA, which got a rave review from USA TODAY this week!)

And closer to home:

Keep your eyes peeled later this week for some fun Two Tales Press news! My lips are sealed... 🤐

That's all I have for you today! I have to say a huge THANK YOU for letting me hang with you guys these past few weeks—it was a BLAST! I've loved getting to know you and learn what you're reading and doing. I'm sure we'll see each other around the internetz. 

The Kerr

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

Sunday Smatterings

Sunday Smatterings! 3.11.18

Hey, folks! It's me, The Kerr. We're halfway through J.T.'s annual sabbatical—she comes back in only three weeks! She wants me to let you know she misses you desperately, but she's getting good work done on the next Brit book.

Her brain never shuts off, y'all. It's amazing to watch.

I hope you had a great week. In the realm of food, I absolutely did. Fair warning: I'm about to nerd out heavily over Tex-Mex. 💃🏻

What I'm Eating


I was born in South Texas, and I was drinking salsa before I could walk. Smoky meats, hot salsa, and fresh-from-the-comal tortillas are my comfort food. 

But I live in Nashville now. Nashville isn't Texas. And there aren't any good Tex-Mex places here. 

Except for Uncle Julio's.

I heard from another transplant that Uncle Julio's was worth a visit. So armed with cautious optimism, on Wednesday I went to Uncle Julio's and ordered a huge platter of beef fajitas, nestled them in little corn tortillas, topped them with guacamole, sour cream, and pico... and reveled in the tangy meat bliss. 

I couldn't believe it. They tasted like the fajitas from my childhood. They were so good.

Yes, it's a chain. No, I don't care. If someone serves me delicious fajitas, I do no question where they came from. Plus you know it's legit if they serve homemade tortillas.

And if fajitas aren't your thing, Uncle Julio's has all kinds of Tex-Mex classics: enchiladas, tacos, margaritas, the works. Their table salsa that's different than a straight roja—they char their tomatoes and chiles over an open flame, and it is excellent. Across the dining room I saw a few folks getting tableside guacamole. I'm springing for that next time.

Other Texas transplants, do you have the same problem finding good Tex-Mex joints? How do you get around it? I've found one way to fix it: make my own Tex-Mex... (see below)

What I'm Playing (in my ears)


You can tell a lot about a person by the podcasts they listen to.

Here's what I've listened to this week:

Food and TV and artists. If someone starts a podcast about greyhounds, that'll be the pinnacle of podcast perfection.

What I'm Reading

Since my trip to Uncle Julio's, I've been clawing the walls for more Tex-Mex. 

So I picked up my worn copy of  The Homesick Texan Cookbook, and decided to get cooking.

This time every year, when the earth is waking up, my taste buds wake up too. I crave chiles and onions and cilantro, and I'll stop at nothing to put them in my mouth. 

Texas transplant Lisa Fain wrote a book that helps me fulfill that mission. I've never made a recipe from this book I didn't like—and I've cooked my way through this book more than once. 

This week, I'll whip up a few quarts of Lisa's escabeche, a spicy blend of jalapeño/carrot/onion pickles that pack a wallop of pucker and heat. I'll mix together some creamy green tomatillo salsa to put on my eggs and chicken... and to squeeze into my mouth whenver I feel like it.

My personal recommendation: make her enchiladas. Whether you pick her cheese enchiladas (tuck some onions in there, folks) or her sour cream chicken enchiladas, you can't go wrong. And if you have guests coming over, even better—it's a cheap dish for a crowd, and they'll love them too.

And for quick access to her food, check out Lisa's blog. Try at least one recipe—she has all kinds of meats and sauces, breads and desserts. Let's find new Tex-Mex favorites to gush about!

What I'm Watching

Today I'm dragging my little sister to the movies. We're going to watch A WRINKLE IN TIME.

Confession: I have tried to read A WRINKLE IN TIME no less than five times, but I always put it down. Between the physics and magic and crazy dimensions, it's goes too cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs for my wee little brain. 

I hope the powerhouse acting of Oprah, Reese Witherspoon, and Mindy Kaling will help me finally understand what on earth is actually going on with Meg Murry, and if she actually finds her father. We'll see. I'm paying $11 to find out. 

(Also: going to one movie is more expensive than a month of Netflix. A month, people. Let that sink in.)

Dog of the Week

Talk to the feet—it’s Friday. 🤫

A post shared by J.T. Ellison/The Kerr til 4/1 (@thrillerchick) on

Crockett was over it by Friday. 😂

Have a Tex-Mex dish you love? A great podcast I should listen to?
Let me know in the comments—and have a great week!

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.