J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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Sunday Smatterings

So another week in the books, and May coming to an end. It's been a long week for everyone, especially those affected by the horrific attack in Manchester. But the stories that emerge, the heroics, the kindnesses, restore our faith in humanity when faced with the cowardly actions of these idiots. I fear it will be a long summer for us all, and I hate that. 

In better news, Nashville is going to the Stanley Cup! We're playing Pittsburgh, and it won't be an easy road, but I hope it will be a good one. 

I made a lot of mental progress on the new book, and some solid writing, too. It's a long weekend, but it's going to be rainy, plus I'm traveling next week, so lots of work this weekend. I actually love a rainy Saturday to write.


Here's what happened on the Internets this week:

From Hockey 101 to a Ph.D. in Nashville. This week has been nothing short of highs and lows. Here's one of my bright spots.

The Empathy Machine. New research shows that seeing through another's eyes takes a detached mind not just a warm heart. A fascinating long read. Cognitive empathy is a real thing in my world.

"Incredibly rare" William Caxton print discovered. History nerds will want to check out this BBC article. Caxton brought the printing press to England in the 1400s, so this is a pretty cool discovery, indeed!

An Open Letter to Writers at Every Stage of PublishingThis essay by Kerry Lonsdale is just beautiful. No matter where you are in the writing process, this is a must-read.

George RR Martin says Game of Thrones spin-offs will all be prequels – and announces a fifth. Did you know there were going to be spin-offs? GoT fans—and HBO execs—may be happy for a while. Just make sure you finish that next book, George... though I think I understand the delay. I wouldn't want to let it go, either.

Interview: Agent Sarah LaPolla on how authors can stand out, negotiating offers, and the state of publishing. Authors in progress, you're gonna want to read this, too.

Famous Writers and their Feline Friends. Cats have played a role in many artists' creative lives. I know mine have.

And closer to home:

200 copies of LIE TO ME up for grabs! The Goodreads contest ends this week, so hurry hurry!

THE DEVIL'S TRIANGLE Roundup. For every book compile a digital scrapbook of sorts: articles, accolades, nice reviews and the like. Nick and Mike made a splash this spring, and Catherine and I are so pleased y'all have enjoyed their latest adventure.

That's it from me. Have a wonderful and safe holiday weekend, and remember what Memorial Day is all about. God bless our soldiers who have died to secure our great freedoms. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.