J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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Settling Back In

I love to work travel. Being in a new place sparks all sorts of new ideas for me, and reinvigorates my mind. There’s only one problem… by the time I’m really settled in and hitting a flow, I have to leave. And settling back into the home routine is hard. 

But settling in I am. Slowly but surely, habits are being resurrected. Here’s my perfect day:

  • Read papers, check email…
  • Breakfast — usually cereal with a banana, first of several cups of tea, and a book…
  • Second cup of tea with vitamins…
  • Sit down at the laptop… 
  • Write up a storm…
  • Stretch/yoga/play with the kitties…
  • Lunch with a book, chat/text with a friend…
  • Check email/ handle business…
  • Back to the laptop to write some more…
  • Email and wrap business day…
  • Walk…
  • Dinner prep… 
  • Read…
  • TV…
  • Bath…
  • Sleep.

How many days a week does this happen? Not as many as I’d like.

Several years ago, I instituted Sacred Days. I don’t schedule appointments, lunches, or other day time events Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays, so I can have deep work time. These sacred days are vital to my production levels. When I break them, my work suffers, and I turn into a grump.

Since I’m at the beginning of a new book, and my normal patterns have been shot these past few months with travel and epically close deadlines, back come the sacred days! Their structure will allow me to get my footing again, and guarantee me at least a few quiet days of deep work.

How do you schedule out your days?