J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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One of those days. Discovered a silly mistake I'd made and had to go back through the whole book and fix it, which took time. And truth be told, it just wasn't happening today. I made such a huge leap in thought yesterday that I think my brain just needed a minute to recover. So I edited some, and will come back to it later. Had a bunch of business things pop up unexpectedly, so I at least accomplished something today, though it wasn't any appreciable increase to the word count.

Which brings me, as it always does, to something I discussed at length over the weekend. Kris Rusch put it into perfect acronym form - WIBBOW - Would I Be Better Off Writing?

And the answer to that is always, ALWAYS, a resounding yes. And on days like today, when I step away from writing to do other writing-related activities, I want to tattoo it on the back of my hand, so I can have a nice visual to remind me to switch to the other side of my computer, already, and get back to work!

But there are non-fiction things that need to get done, especially coming into a release. Interviews and blogs and events to plan, and that really takes away from my focus. And I am on a seriously close deadline, and so WIBBOW takes on a new meaning. I must admit to myself that resistance is playing a part these days - it always does when I get this close to finishing a book. But I refuse to allow it reign. 

So off I go to therapy, and I will come back to the page this evening with a strong shoulder and a clear mine, and make something happen, whether the book is willing or not. 

Sweet dreams!