December 2019

NEVER LET ME GO by Kazuo Ishiguro

I found this slim volume when I was looking for boarding school mysteries. I saw the description of the three friends as Hailsham School and bought it without a second though. I had no idea what I was getting into. Ishiguro was awarded the Nobel for Literature in 2017, and I’ve experienced other works of his, but nothing as deeply disturbing as this. The movie of the same name is an excellent adaptation, though it’s more up front about what’s happening than the book is. The slow reveal of Hailsham’s true purpose shocked me, troubled me, and hasn’t let me go. I suppose the title couldn’t be more perfect.

TRUTH BE TOLD by Kathleen Barber

I am so excited that Kathleen Barber’s book ARE YOU SLEEPING is being adapted by Apple TV – and being rereleased under the title TRUTH BE TOLD. I loved this book. I was completely hooked from the very first page. Layers of deceit, family drama, a murdered father, a disturbed mother, mayhem, cults, lies, betrayals, and a possibly deranged podcaster--this story has it all. Lanie and Josie are Janus twins, and their twisting lives left me breathless. Who to trust? Who to believe? Who really killed their father? TRUTH BE TOLD taps into our collective conscience with a true crime podcast propelling the narrative and takes an unflinching look at the truths we create about ourselves. Kathleen Barber is a fabulous new author to watch. If you like twisty psychological thrillers, this is your book. And watch the Apple TV series, starring Oscar winner Octavia Spencer & produced by Reese Witherspoon, coming soon!


The last book in Black’s Folk of the Air trilogy does not disappoint. There is nothing better than a grand escape, and Black’s books provide that for me. King Cardan and Queen Jude are exceptional in this tale, and the worldbuilding is simply superb. I know it says a trilogy, but I do hope Black revisits this world soon. (If you’re reading this, o glorious one, hear our entreaties: more Cardan and Jude, please.)

BAG OF BONES by Stephen King

My friend and fellow author Jeremy Finley has taken it upon himself to educate me in the ways of the King, and this was my first foray back to his world since THE SHINING scared my pants off. Since I enjoy King’s accent and inflections, I chose to listen to the book. At 18+ hours, it was a commitment, but the writing is gorgeous, and the story so intriguing—it’s a mystery, and a love story, with a ghostly backdrop. I don’t know how much scarier I can go with King, but I thoroughly enjoyed this one. 


November 2019

NINTH HOUSE by Leigh Bardugo

Sigh. The evening after I finished Leigh Bardugo’s incredible novel, I sat down to read a new book and experienced an actual moment of grief that I was done with this one. What a brilliant world Bardugo has created. Smart, intricate, fearlessly crafted, this is an intellectual fantasy/horror novel that cements Bardugo firmly in the annals of the best storytellers of this generation. Immediately shoots into my top 3 books of 2019. Just incredible. 🐍👻🖤

IF SHE WAKES by Michael Koryta

I just finished this amazing title from Michael Koryta on audio. The conceit of IF SHE WAKES—the main character in a coma—scared me off at first, but several people told me Koryta pulled it off, so I dove in. And holy cow. The story rocks along and has one of the scariest villains I’ve read in a long time. Think of a rattlesnake sheathed in the skin of an assassin. His female leads are fantastic, heroic, leap off the page larger than life, and the intricate storyline is A+. There are also multiple points of view, all handled wonderfully. Just a superb book all the way around. 


This intriguing look at 1950s Franco-era Spain was in turns enlightening, frustrating, and horrifying. Sepetys has a knack for using vivid characterization to tell the inside story of her chosen historical moment, and I was entranced by eighteen year old Daniel Matheison and his inamorata Ana Morena—star-crossed lovers who find themselves torn apart by the stringent rules of Franco’s twisted reign. A subplot diving into the illegal adoption trade is at once fascinating and terribly sad. An impeccably researched story, Sepetys’s  unflinching account is well worth your time.  


With a fascinating caper, a twisted mystery, a grizzled PI with a kick-ass Ninja chick sidekick, and a complex plot worthy of Leonard's heir, Tim Maleeny bursts back onto the crime fiction stage with a surefire winner. BOXING THE OCTOPUS features a dizzying array of well-developed characters both friend and foe—and cephalopod, of course—who catapult the story forward. Thrilling, amusing, and thought-provoking, I couldn’t stop reading! Can’t wait for Cape and Sally’s next adventure.

THE SECRETS WE KEPT by Lara Prescott

The hype surrounding this book is so well-deserved. I'm a fan of anything lady spy, especially CIA, so I pounced the moment it came out, and it was so worth it. Elegantly written and realized, Prescott has done a fascinating moment in history justice. I had no idea about the backstory of Dr. Zhivago's long road to publication. Prescott presents all sides of the story, from Russian gulags to the swans of a D.C. summer, from the keen eye of multiple fascinating narrators. This is a get smart kind of book. (see what I did there?) I loved it!



THE NINJA DAUGHTER is a remarkably fresh, intense thriller, and Lily Wong is one hell of a new hero. I want this Ninja on my side. Tori Eldridge is redefining the genre.

October 2019


I'm a fan of Lisa Unger's work, and especially of how she builds her characters. From the most innocent to the most evil, every one of them has depth that makes them come alive on the page. THE STRANGER INSIDE is no different -- a brilliant character study of victims who've survived a terrible event in their childhood and how they've found ways to cope with the aftermath. As always, this is more than a page turner, it is a complex psychological study and thrilling to boot. Her best yet.


I wanted to wait to read this book until I was in Scotland proper, since it takes place at a renovated smart home in the Highlands. I started reading on the plane over, and by the time I reached the Highlands myself a few days later... I was so damn freaked out I had to put it down and read nonfiction for the remainder of my stay. This is a stellar book, hand's down my favorite of her yet. Moody, atmospheric, and chilling, it's a tour de force from Ware, who has become one of my all-time favorites.

THE THIRD WIFE by Lisa Jewell

The Third Wife is my first book of Jewell's but it won't be the last. I love how she can take a story that could be banal in the hands of a lesser writer and make it suspenseful, touching, and complex all at once. I cared so much about the characters that I forgot I was reading a book and felt like I was catching up with distant friends. Super! 

SAVE ME THE PLUMS by Ruth Reichl 

What a lovely, fascinating book. I'm lately come to memoir, but each one I read builds on the last like layers in a cake. This slice of Reichl's life chronicles being named editor in chief of Gourmet Magazine to the magazine's eventual close a decade later made me laugh, and made me think. "Brand Ruth" is an excellent cautionary tale to us all, I think. 

September 2019

LOCK EVERY DOOR by Riley Sager

Riley Sager is doing a lot of great work lately, and LOCK EVERY DOOR fits well into his canon. Echoes of Ira Levin’s ROSEMARY’S BABY are clear, and The Bartholomew is a character unto itself. A satisfying thriller with a great twist.

THE NANNY by Gilly Macmillan

Gilly Macmillan is an outstanding writer, but The Nanny is a step above. Complex, intriguing, scary, devastating, and so lyrically written I got out my "I'm not worthy" kneepads, you are going to go ape for this one.

THE NEW GIRL by Daniel Silva 

Silva never disappoints. After last year's outstanding THE OTHER WOMAN, I was worried about how he would top it. This follow-up is classic Silva, with a topical storyline and twists galore. Many outstanding questions are answered. Highly recommended.

THE GOOD WIDOW by Liz Fenton and Lisa Steinke

I've had this stellar suspense by Lisa and Liz on my TBR for ages. I have several of their books from Thrillerfest, but I wanted to go to the beginning of heir suspense journey, and boy am I glad I did. I totally missed the twist coming, which I attribute not to sloppy reading on my part but a subtle, insidious plot device on theirs. So bravo! 


August 2019

THE DARK ABOVE by Jeremy Finley

I’m always up for some aliens and government conspiracies, and THE DARK ABOVE is as intense as it is compulsively readable. Lyrically written and expertly plotted, moody and elegantly thrilling, it will hook you from page one all the way to the shocking end. This haunting follow-up to his stellar debut THE DARKEST TIME OF NIGHT firmly cements Finley in the who’s who of today’s thriller writers. It’s perfect for fans of Strange Things and The X-Files, but also has a much broader appeal, sensitively handling the tenuous relationships between Will and his grandmother Lynn, fifteen years after the incident that started it all. Perfect summer reading.

LABYRINTH by Catherine Coulter

When a Savich and Sherlock book comes out, people drop everything to read it. So clear your schedule for the weekend, friends. LABYRINTH is out and it’s amazing. So many congrats to CC for her great showing with this one!

RUSH by Lisa Patton

What a beautiful, haunting novel. In addition to being an engaging, lush portrait of the phenomenon known as sorority rush, RUSH tackles some of the most serious injustices in the south. Lisa Patton's work personifies "be the change".  You have to read this book, and share it with everyone you know. Now available in paperback!  

REBECCA by Daphne Du Maurier

This is, without a doubt, one of my favorite books. It’s a huge influence in my work, as I’m sure you can tell. This time around, I’m listening to the audio. It is even more disturbing and sinister. A genius at work.  

July 2019

LAYOVER by David Bell

There is something inherently sexy about meeting a stranger at an airport, especially one you connect with on every level. But what if that someone might be a missing person? It’s a great premise for a book, and David Bell’s latest, LAYOVER, captures all the excitement and terror of this exact situation. If you like Harlan Coben, you will love David Bell.

DEAR WIFE by Kimberly Belle

I loved this book so much! Subtle, insidious, clever...DEAR WIFE is spellbinding. I was hooked from the first page. You’re going to love Kimberly Belle’s latest outing. And you aren’t going to see it coming, which is the best kind of suspense! 


I know you’ve heard about this book and it is worth the hype. Absolutely adorable, sharp and funny and self-aware, this is the book for anyone who likes romantic comedies, who likes stories about hope, who needs some cheer is their lives. A quick and satisfying read.

MAN OF THE YEAR by Caroline Louise Walker

Beautifully written and deviously plotted—the very best kind of story. MAN OF THE YEAR is a stellar literary suspense, exploring the chasm between truth and lies, identity, love, hate, and the pursuit of self, and how a moment’s decision can undo a perfect world. Caroline Louise Walker is a remarkable new voice to watch. Give me more!

May/June 2019

OUT EAST by John Glynn

I’ve always been obsessed with the northeastern beach scene, being a Florida beach girl myself. I went in expecting a light read about the Hamptons and WHOA. Glynn’s style is amazingly evocative. This is a wonderful coming-of-age memoir, beautiful, lovely, heartbreaking, and inspiring. I gobbled it up in two days. While John’s day job is editing for Graydon House, I really hope he writes a lot more. He’s a true talent. This was a perfect first read of the summer.

YOU by Caroline Kepnes

I started reading this so I could freely watch the TV show of the same name. Once I was well in, out of curiosity, I watched the first episode. Holy cow! I had to all-stop and wait for DH; I knew this was a show/story he'd dig. Crazy, twisty, ends-justify-the-means type of story. Highly recommended.

QUEEN OF SHADOWS (Throne of Glass #4) by Sarah J. Maas 

Y'all know how much I love Sarah J. Maas. I finally allowed myself to read book four as a reward for all of my hard work the past several months and it did not disappoint. It's fascinating to see her growth as a writer and a storyteller. Maas's books showcase my favorite kind of story: extraordinary female lead who inspires loyalty and love and is fearless in the face of adversity. I can't wait for her Crescent City series to come out! 

BEFORE SHE WAS FOUND by Heather Gudenkauf

Heather Gudenkauf writes intricate, emotional suspense, and her latest is hands down her best yet. Told through journals, police interviews, and a stellar narrative, this perfectly terrifying story is ripped from the headlines (there are parallels with the Slenderman case) and layered with Gudenkauf’s flair for small towns and intimate family portrayals. Heartbreaking. Devious. Intelligent. Misleading. Too familiar for comfort. I couldn’t put it down. Have you read Heather before? If not, add her to your list immediately!


March/April 2019

DAISY JONES AND THE SIX by Taylor Jenkins Reid

If you like music, you will LOVE this book about a tempestuous young singer and the band who launched her to stardom. The structure and multiple POVs give it the feel of a Rolling Stone interview. Very unique, very well written, and so good I immediately went to the store and grabbed THE SEVEN HUSBANDS OF EVELYN HUGO. Taylor Jenkins Reid is that good.

LAST SUMMER by Kerry Lonsdale

Last Summer is utterly captivating and impossible to put down, so strap yourself in for a ride. In addition to being a superb writer, Kerry Lonsdale has a talent for creating complex characters who wrestle with very real situations. Last Summer is her best yet, a sly suspense coupled with sizzling romance and unending twists. Lonsdale should be on every reader’s radar.


There’s a reason this book has been burning up the bestseller lists. It’s lovely. So atmospheric, so gorgeously written. An environmental mysterious love story that will break your heart and keep you guessing, it has all the lushness of the marsh at its center. Go forth and read it now, because the movie is sure to be a massive hit.

THE SILENT PATIENT by Alex Michaelides 

THE SILENT PATIENT is absolutely superb. And honestly, to say much more will ruin it completely. I expect great things from Alex going forward... 

February 2019

EDUCATED by Tara Westover

This book spoke to me on a number of levels. I grew up in the mountains, well away from the nearest town, and understand the joy and pain of isolation. But… that’s where our similarities end. This is a fascinating look at the lengths some people have to go to in order to become educated. Beautifully written, Tara Westover has a lovely command of language. Heartbreaking, inspiring, and frighteningly real. 

THE WICKED KING by Holly Black

This story is wonderful, tricky, intense, and without one lagging moment. It’s a superb second book in the series. I can’t wait for next September for the third book!

If you haven’t read it yet, start with THE CRUEL PRINCE and thank me later.

INHERITANCE by Dani Shapiro

This was not the easiest book for me to read, if only for the amount of time spent on the aspects of infertility, but the spirit of it was so beautiful and pure. That Dani was able to write about her experiences at this moment in time, when DNA and ancestry databases are helping to solve crimes and helping families find their truths, it’s true serendipity. I think it will help a lot of people who are searching for their own identities. A must-read.

AN ANONYMOUS GIRL by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen

A solid entry in the domestic suspense genre. The structure is excellent, as is the use of second person POV, which is a very difficult thing. The ending will have you talking!


What if you came home to find a stranger living inside your house? An outstanding, ever-twisting, surprise-filled" psychological drama (Publishers Weekly, starred review), in the tradition of Shari Lapena and Liane Moriarty, from an Edgar- and Thriller Award-nominated author. 

Can you imagine the nightmare of a stranger taking over your house? The terror you would feel? Benedict turns her unique voice in suspense to this elegant scary mystery, where nothing is as it seems and one woman's truth is shattered by the hidden secrets of her past.

I WAS ANASTASIA by Ariel Lawhon

This amazing historical suspense is now available in paperback!

ONCE A LIAR by A.F. Brady

In this electrifying psychological thriller, a high-powered sociopath meets his reckoning when he’s accused of the brutal murder of his mistress. Sizzles with sinister madness and incessant tension right to the last page.

January 2019


I’ve now both read and listened to this beautifully compiled work of art. Twyla Tharp takes an intellectual approach to building habits, with a deep dive into the history of art and its greatest creators. You must read it. Do the exercises. See what comes of your newfound enlightenment. Let your mind dance. You won’t regret it. 

Need more recommendations? Check out my list of 2017 books and 2018 books.